
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

{Spaghetti Squash Hash-cakes}

Like previously, I've been on a vegetable craze. Seriously, I've never eaten so many vegetables in my life, but I LOVE it and I feel great! 

Breakfast can be a challenge to find exciting ways to eat vegetables. I mean, green smoothies can get old after awhile.. But these spaghetti squash hash-cakes are the perfect vegetable breakfast!

I called these hash-cakes, because they have the texture of hash browns, but are like pancakes. So, voila, hash-cakes :)

Infused with the taste of rosemary, these hash-cakes easily please. Even though I bake an entire spaghetti squash, I only use one cup of spaghetti squash per serving. This recipe is great to use if you buy a large spaghetti squash and don't want to use all of it for another recipe, for example "spaghetti" and meatball. 

I serve mine with a little bit of ketchup drizzled over the top. If you're not following an AIP diet, these hash-cakes would go wonderfully with some scrambled eggs, or even a fried egg in the middle of the hash-cakes. However you decide to enjoy these, I hope these hash-cakes leave you satisfied and energized!



1 spaghetti squash
2 teaspoons coconut flour
2 teaspoons fresh rosemary, chopped
1 teaspoon dried basil
pepper to taste 
coconut oil 


Bake a spaghetti squash at 375 for 40 minutes. When it is done baking, using a fork,

To make one serving of hash-cakes, combine a cup of spaghetti squash with coconut flour and herbs. In a skillet greased with coconut oil, take about 1/4 cup of the spaghetti squash, put it in the pan and smash together until it sticks. Repeat until all the spaghetti squash is cooking in the pan. Cook for about 7 minutes, or until lightly crisped, then flip the hash-cakes and finish cooking for about 5 minutes. Remove from the pan and enjoy!

**If you want to make more than one serving, just increase the amount still using the  1 cup of spaghetti squash to coconut flour/herbs ratio.

**If your spaghetti squash is extra runny and doesn't stick together very well, add more coconut flour. Coconut flour is a drier flour, and easily soaks up extra moisture :)

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